Daigo Umehara's Event Schedule 2015

- Canada Cup's Master Series [January 9-11]
- 5th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 18]
- Yonpahi radio show [January 23]
- 6th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 25]
- Taipei Game Show [Jan 31]
- Tokaigi 2015 [Feb 1]

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gamer's Vision redesigned

KSK himself revealed in the BlazBlue casual stream that Gamer's Vision is under redesign process, and it WON'T be a game center!

Someone speculated that it probably will be a gaming space or gaming event space, which makes sense.

In Japan, there're places that provide tables, chairs, food and drinks, wireless Internet for gamers (and probably computers, too) and charge hourly. You bring your own gaming device (DS/PSP). This business seems good, because once a customer enters the venue, you're guaranteed money.

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